4 Ways To Express Happiness

4 Ways To Express Happiness

Photo Courtesy: Chris and Kris

Not many people have the ability to be happy and content with their lives. Some believe that happiness can only be attained when they have everything they desire. But there are some extra ordinary people who are blessed with an attitude that enables them to find happiness wherever they are, whatever they are doing. And to show and share this happiness certainly doubles it. Here are some ways how you can show your happiness.

1. Make others happy

When you are happy, you can make an effort to make others happy in your own small ways. A simple smile to a stranger or a generous donation to the ones who are needy can be done in order to show your happiness. You can smile a lot, sing a song or simply call an old friend and talk. Who knows, you may have given others a chance to be happy too with such small gestures.

2. Share your happiness

Treat your close friends to a party or take your parents out for dinner to share your happiness. Doubtless, when happiness is shared, it certainly is doubled. And when you share it with people whom you know and love, your heart will surely soar with happiness. So, do not hesitate to share your happiness with your loved ones.

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3. Write it down

Make a note of your happy moments and the reason for it. You could write it in a diary or as a blog and post it online. This is just to ensure that during your down times, when you read what you had written will cheer you up. Ensure that you write the date, time and place with detailed information. This will help you revive your happy memory with ease and clarity.

4. Enjoy happiness before it passes

It is essential to understand that happiness will not last forever, and so enjoy it as long as it lasts. Your life will surely have ups and downs, and so when life makes you happy, make it a point to enjoy it to the fullest. This happy time will pass, and soon you may feel down and gloomy. Just remember, that too shall pass.