6 Tips to Deal With an Aggressive Coworker

6 Tips to Deal With an Aggressive Coworker

Photo Courtesy: Lara604

Many of us face difficulties with aggressive coworkers. Their loud and dominating nature displeases us. Many of us either ignore them or get intimidated by them. This may affect our work and lead to mounting frustration. One such person exists in almost all organizations. To avoid the situation and people is not a permanent solution. Here are some tips to deal with such aggressive people.

1. Confront the person

Stand up to the person whose aggressive nature is bothering you. Confront him. Tell him/her that his/her behavior is bothering you and if he/she doesn’t stop or change it, you will report the matter to higher authority. In most cases these people behave in an aggressive manner because no one stops them.

2. Ignore the co-worker

If confrontation does not work, you could resort to ignorance. If you get irritated by his/her behavior and react to it, he/she may continue behaving in the same manner. Ignoring them means not giving any extra attention to the unwanted behavior. Over a period of time the behavior will subside.

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3. Inform the boss

If both the above methods also do not work, you can inform about the concerned person and his/her behavior to your superior. The superior will give him/her a warning. The interference of higher authority will bring about a change in the behavior.

4. Talk it through

Find a suitable time when both of you are in a good cheerful mood. Take the opportunity to discuss the matter with the colleague. Often the person does not even realize that they are being aggressive. They just get carried away and lose control of their temper.

5. Don’t lose your temper

At times, it is possible that, unable to deal with the aggressive tone of your colleague you also get into an aggressive mode. In such a scenario the situation can get out of control and create a lot of confusion and chaos.

6. Seek professional guidance

If nothing seems to work or you are unable to deal with the situation, you should seek professional help. There is no harm in doing so. The professional will give you the right advise based on the details of your case.