How To Get Organized With Minimum Efforts?

How To Get Organized With Minimum Efforts?

Photo Courtesy: BenjaminThompson

How often do you mull over the fact that if you had been a little more organized, life would have been easier? Well, it is one thing to just contemplate and completely another to get up and do something about it. Moreover, getting organized shouldn’t be about making a mountain of effort. What it requires is careful planning and skillful execution!

For getting organized with minimum effort,

• You need the will to get organized.
• Get to the job; don’t sit and think about it.
• Once you start, don’t stop till it’s done.

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Here are a few steps to help you get organized with minimum effort.

1. Prioritize

This is the first step to getting organized with minimum effort. Plan what you need and what is only adding to the clutter surrounding your life. Once you do this, you will automatically know what to keep and what to chuck!

2. Cut the lazy out

Most of us take so much time to get organized because we are plain lazy. It feels like an uphill task; the job of sorting out. Therefore, you need to finally take things under your control, review the situation and act! Merely thinking about it won’t help.

3. Get rid of clutter

The next step after prioritizing is to get rid of the clutter. Now this clutter can be both emotional baggage and materialistic things which are clogging positivity and keeping optimism out. If there are memories which you feel are tying you down, then try and deal with them. Seek the help of a professional, if needed. On the other hand, if there is an attic full of junk from the past, then organize a garage sale! What better way to get rid of the old stuff than by making some money out of it!

4. Start organizing

Once you are done with getting rid of the useless items, the most logical step for you will be to start organizing. The best way to get organized with minimum effort is to make a list. It might sound boring, but once you have all on paper, you will automatically know what to do next. Otherwise the task at hand will never be complete and in all probability you will feel like giving up midway!