How to Be Different From the Crowd?

How to Be Different From the Crowd?

Photo Courtesy: JohnGoode

Being different from the crowd is one of the most important things in one’s life. At the end of the day, crowd might have quantity, but it’s always one person outside that crowd who leads them. So it’s your choice whether to be the driven or the driver. Here are a few ideas on how to be different from the crowd.

1. Stand up

Take a stand, have an opinion and question things before accepting or rejecting them. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you’ll have to hold your head higher. Make your voice heard, your opinions worked on. Shake the grounds with what you have. Get noticed. Any publicity is good publicity. But make sure you’ve the right reason.

2. Lead

No single human has ever achieved great things. There have always been people behind. So, lead the crowd. Talk to them about your choice and opinions. Show them the way. This way, you’ll be outside the crowd because you’re ahead of them.

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3. Plan ahead

Any action, when you wish to stand out, needs planning. Jot down all the things you want to do. Then plan on achieving your goals step by step. Accept the fact that you cannot be someone overnight. Take one step at a time. Walk firmly but don’t kick someone off the path. Always remember, the people you leave behind while going up the ladder will meet you on your way down.

4. Improvise

Learning is always important. Be it academics, sports or life. When you improvise as you walk, you’ll be able to take a bigger step, each time you put your foot forward. Taking a few big and risky steps will give you an edge over the others to climb the ladder.

5. Be humble

Being different is like holding sand in your hand. The harder you hold it, the lesser will be left in your hand. So, be humble. “Pride goes before a fall” as it is rightly said.

People who choose to stand out from the crowd rise up against the tides and hold their head high. There will be obstacles but the real one will be that person who dares to stand up after the fall.