7 Quick Stretching Exercises to Relax Yourself at Work

Photo Courtesy:     star5112

Photo Courtesy: star5112

When we continuously sit at one place and work, we develop muscle pain in certain parts of the body due to lack of movement or because of having the same posture for a very long time. It is very important to relax the muscle tension in between breaks by doing some simple stretching exercises. Here are 7 quick stretching exercises to relax yourself at workplace.

1. Loosen the neck muscles

Continuously sitting in one position can cause pain and tension in your neck muscles. To release that you can gently drop your head forward and stretch for 5-10 seconds and then bring it back to the normal position, then look upside allowing your head to fall behind and stretch for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the same in the right and the left direction as well; repeat the entire cycle a few times. You can also rotate your head in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.

2. Relaxing the shoulder and the arm

To release your shoulder and arm muscle tension simply lift your shoulders to the ear level and feel the stretch in your neck and shoulder, hold for 5-10 seconds and bring it back to normal. Repeat this a few times to feel easy and relaxed.

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3. Rotating the shoulder

Another quick relaxing exercise for the shoulders is to rotate your shoulders in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction 5 times each. Repeat it a few times to completely relax your shoulders.

4. Arm stretching

Hold your left elbow with your right hand and pull the elbow behind the head till you feel the stretch, hold it for 5-10 seconds then release. Repeat the same thing for the left elbow with your right hand. Repeat this a few times.

5. Wrist and finger relaxation

Stretch your fingers in the forward direction for 5-10 seconds and then release. Close your fingers inwards to form a fist and hold the fist for 5-10 seconds and release. Repeat until your fingers feel relaxed.

6. Stretching the back

Sit straight, hold your left knee and then lift your left leg off the floor while doing this bend forward (curling the back), and try to touch the nose onto the knee. Do the same stretching exercise with right knee and repeat it a few times. This would really help to relax your back muscles.

7. Foot stretching

Lift your left leg straight above the floor level, point your toes straight and do a up and downward movement to relax your foot. Remember to keep your back straight while doing this, do the same thing with your right foot and repeat this cycle a few times.