8 Ways to Overcome Negativity at Work

8 Ways to Overcome Negativity at Work

Photo Courtesy: ckaroli

Negativity at the workplace can weigh down even the best of people, and may result in dissatisfaction, stress and loss of productivity among others. The negativity may arise from your superiors, subordinates, peers and even from within you. Whatever may be the source, the following points will help you overcome negativity at work.

1. Stay away from the whiners

We are all emotional beings, and the thoughts and feelings of others rub on to us even if we don’t want them to. So the whiners in your office will also take you down with them in the pit of negativity, and hence it is best to avoid them.

2. Don’t indulge in gossip

We don’t mean that you should shut yourself up in your cabin, but make sure that you only take part in productive discussions, and make a polite exit when things get murkier. It is best to mind one’s own business even if it gets you a couple of haters.

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3. Inspire others

Inspirational motivation is a key dimension of transformational leadership and is ought to be. Let your work do the talking for you and let your commitment and capability be a source of inspiration for the others to give up their negativity and start contributing.

4. Have faith in yourself

As we told earlier, many a time, your coworkers’ negativity may make you feel down too. Don’t lose hope and think of looking for brighter avenues, but instead stay focused to your job. If you have faith in your abilities, no amount of negativity can stop you in your path.

5. Be assertive

The detractors at the workplace need to be put in their place some times. Don’t let anyone bully you, not even your boss. Draw a line and learn to be assertive.

6. Understand the real cause

If you are at the helm of affairs in your office, and the negativity all around you is bothering you; try to delve deeper and find the real cause of the negativity. It might be because the employees feel overworked or because there is a communication gap between the employees and management, or a million other reasons.

7. Take breaks

Don’t just bend down in front of your computer screen all day long and loathe your work. Take small breaks to de-stress yourself and come back replenished with energy. And when you are done for the day, don’t take your work home with you.

8. Use company events to your advantage

The social needs of employees are overlooked by many a managers with disastrous consequences. These social events may be a good way for employees to know each other, and reduce their negativity about their work. So don’t miss them at any cost, and if you are the boss, make these events a regular part of the calendar.