6 Ways to Declutter the Mind

Photo Courtesy:     Eneas

Photo Courtesy: Eneas

Decluttering your mind by getting rid of unnecessary thoughts that cramp your mental space can contribute significantly in increasing your productivity and reducing stress. Here are a few ways in which you can clear out the junk from your mind.

1. Finish pending tasks

Pending tasks can build up into one mammoth list of things to do when you don’t complete each task as it comes. All the pending tasks will keep piling up and keep you worried if you don’t complete them on a daily basis. Instead of cramping your mind by constantly reminding yourself of the things you need to do, get them out of your way as soon as possible so that you can start afresh on a clean slate every morning.

2. Make a schedule or a routine

You will be able to free your mind of clutter and random bits of useless information if you get things done in time. By making a schedule or setting a routine, you will be able to find it easy to get into the habit of bringing more stability in your mind. If you set fixed slots for your daily activities, you will have a perfect idea of what an ordinary day looks like. This will give you clarity to focus on other important things and not dwindle on the worthless ones.

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3. Relax and rejuvenate from time to time

When you are constantly working or doing something, you are likely to be bombarded with information, visuals or action, all of which take up your mental space. And all of this may not be important to remember. To refresh your mind and to allow it to automatically filter out unnecessary trivia and information, give yourself a break from work at regular intervals. Let your mind work its own ways to declutter itself.

4. Pick the battles you want to fight

The phrase ‘pick your battles’ means that you chose what you want to do. If you try to do everything or please everyone, you are going to stretch yourself emotionally and physically. This will eventually clutter your mind. Out of a thousand things that you are bombarded with in a single day, make a decision of what you want to accept doing and what you what to reject outright.

5. Clean your surroundings

A simple yet effective way of getting rid of clutter in your mind is to get rid of clutter from your surroundings. The state of your mind is bound to be a direct reflection of your surroundings, whether it is your home or office. Clear out your desk, trash unnecessary paperwork and place fresh flowers in a corner. A tidier physical environment will allow you to feel at peace with yourself and enable you to think clearly without unnecessary distractions.

6. Prioritize

Prioritizing is an important step in clearing your mind of rubbish. As soon as you start setting your goals and priorities straight, your mind will find it easier to decide what to do and what to let go. It can be a small prioritizing decision like arguing with your father over something silly or a big decision like making a million dollar deal. The concept of prioritizing remains the same.