6 Tips to Stop Trying to Be Someone Else

Photo Courtesy:   milos milosevic

Photo Courtesy: milos milosevic

Many of us go through an identity crisis when we are younger and this is often resolved when we are adults. However, there are several of us who still attempt to copy others and be someone that we’re not. Are you tired of all the pretense or just plain tired? Then here are some tips to help you get on track and be yourself!

1. Don’t look left and right

It’s easy to be swayed by what you see. Everyone is different and has their own story to tell, but turning your head to see what the other person has in their backyard won’t do you any good. Instead look on straight ahead. It is important to concern yourself with who you are and the path you want to be on. Make your very own story.

2. Find out who you are

This may sound simple or even ridiculous, but soul searching is always great for the mind and the body. It’s time you found out who you really are. What are your dominant traits? What do you regard as important in life? When does something bother you? Asking these questions will take you on the road to self discovery.

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3. Be realistic about your aims and goals

Discovering who you are and establishing realistic goals is key to being your own master. Does it really matter that you own a bike and a leather jacket? Is it the end of the world if you aren’t rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous? Being cool or suave or being a socialite aren’t goals you should focus your energy on. Instead focus on things that will matter in the long run like specific career goals or building strong relationships with the people you love.

4. Indulge in your interests and hobbies

Not being able to achieve something can make you lose confidence in yourself and think that the grass is greener on the other side. To keep thoughts like this at bay, it’s a good idea to actualize your interests and hobbies. Have you dreamed of being a footballer? Did you always want to write something that you can be proud of? If you pursue your interests, you are one step closer to being you rather than someone else.

5. Build a support network

If you ever feel that you are straying and losing yourself, then fall back on a close-knit group of friends or family. They love you for who you are, come hail or shine. No one knows you like they do and they can support you by pointing out your positive attributes and your achievements. Plus, it’s the easiest way for you to receive positive reinforcement – a requisite for staying true to yourself.

6. Learn to love yourself

This is the most important thing you need to remember. You might have a lot of dreams; you might even have attributes that you don’t really like. Sometimes the fact is that you cannot change everything. You can only mold events and things that are within your grasp. The rest is left up to you to accept. Learn to love yourself with all your shortcomings, all your limitations, all your strengths and all your achievements. It will make you happier than you have ever been.