6 Reasons Why Inner Happiness is a Must

Photo Courtesy:   GLady

Photo Courtesy: GLady

Inner happiness is a combination of the strength, peace and harmony of your mind and body that comes from within your heart. You can become happy by enjoying the materialistic pleasures of the world but that may not be everlasting. Here are a few reasons why inner happiness is a must.

1. You will never need to seek happiness from outside

When a person is happy from the inside, he or she will never feel the need to seek happiness from external sources. If you have found inner happiness, you won’t need to derive it from recreational pleasures or other people. Having the ability to generate happiness within you can help you to remain fulfilled without being attached to the materialistic world.

2. You will be at peace with yourself

It is important for every person to be in a state of well being when he or she goes to bed each night. If you are ruffled, anxious or stressed, you will not be at peace with yourself and you will be an unhappy person. Inner happiness comes from being true and honest to yourself so that you can have inner peace, no matter what struggles and distress the rest of the world is engulfed in.

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3. You will become independent

One of the reasons why inner happiness is a must is because it makes you independent. When you can be happy by controlling your own thoughts and actions, you will not need to depend on other people, things or circumstances to give you happiness. And once you become independent and self sufficient, you will stop expecting things from other people and save yourself from potential disappointment. The feeling of independence will in turn, spurt more happiness.

4. Inner happiness will keep you healthy

People who are able to find inner happiness are known to be in a general state of well being. Many studies and researches have also pointed towards the fact that health is often influenced by how happy or stressed the person is. For example, a person who is happy from the inside may be able to deal with an illness with more ease than a person who is under a lot of stress and tension.

5. Inner happiness will make you a positive person

The levels of inner happiness in a person are directly proportional to how positive that person is. If you are in perfect harmony with yourself, there will be no reason for you to feel depressed or anxious about anything. This will make you a positive person and allow you to look at the brighter side of things in life as compared to a person who relies on extrinsic happiness and invites disappointment.

6. Inner happiness will increase your self-worth

If you want to become a person who has high levels of confidence and trust in your own self, you have to walk on the path of finding inner happiness. When you are happy from the inside you can put full trust in your own thoughts, abilities and actions. This will make you confident and your own worth will increase in your eyes.